
Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening offers a quick, non-invasive way to enhance your smile.  Universally valued by men and women alike, whitening (or bleaching) treatments are available to satisfy every budget, time frame and temperament. Whether in the form of professionally administered one-hour whitening sessions at your dentist’s office, or home-use bleaching kits purchased at your local drugstore, solutions abound.

Virtually everyone who opts for a tooth whitening solution sees moderate to substantial improvement in the brightness and whiteness of their smile. That said, it’s not a permanent solution to discoloration and requires maintenance or “touch-ups” for a prolonged effect.

In-Office Whitening

Significant color change in a short period of time is the major benefit of in-office whitening. This protocol involves the carefully controlled use of a relatively high-concentration peroxide gel, applied to the teeth by the dentist or trained technician after the gums have been protected with a paint-on rubber dam.

Generally, the peroxide remains on the teeth for several 15 to 20-minute intervals that add up to an hour (at most). Those with particularly stubborn staining may be advised to return for one or more additional bleaching sessions, or may be asked to continue with a home-use system.

Professionally Dispensed Take-Home Kits

Many dentists are of the opinion that professionally dispensed take-home whitening kits can produce the best results over the long haul. Take-home kits incorporate an easy-to-use lower-concentration peroxide gel that remains on the teeth for an hour or longer (sometimes overnight). The lower the peroxide percentage, the longer it may safely remain on the teeth. The gel is applied to the teeth using custom-made bleaching trays that resemble mouth guards.

Whats Included & Cost

$500 USD –  Upper & lower teeth

  • Board Certified Dentist
  • Airport & Inbound Transfer
  • Dental Consultation
  • Medications if necessary
  • Pre-op & Pre-op PCR Test
  • Customized Patient Service (English, French, Spanish, Italian)
  • 24/7 Online Assistance
  • Online Post-op follow up

Flight is not included


Laser Eye Surgery

What is Laser Eye Surgery? 

Laser or refractive is eye surgery permanently changes the shape of the cornea using a specialized ultraviolet laser (excimer laser) by removing layers of the corneal tissue, making it possible for light rays to focus clearly on the retina. Other procedures replace the eye’s natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens. These procedures are performed to correct vision and reduce an individual’s need for glasses or contact lenses. 

Types of refractive laser eye surgeries:  

  • LASIK 
  • Epi-LASIK 
  • PRK 
  • LASEK 
  • Epi-LASEK 
  • Custom Wavefront 
  • IntraLase 

Our surgeons will recommend the best choice for you. 

Laser eye surgery candidates 

Ideal candidates for Laser eye surgery: 

  • Healthy adults who do not have medical conditions that may impair healing 
  • Near sighted individuals 
  • Far sighted individuals 
  • Individuals with astigmatism 
  • Individuals with presbyopia 

 If you are bothered by the dependence on wearing glasses or contact lenses, laser eye surgery may be right for you. 

Laser eye surgery procedure steps  

Laser eye surgery procedures most commonly include the following steps:  

Step 1 – Consultation 

Our surgeon will meet with you to evaluate your eligibility for your requested surgery, to discuss your goals and to advise you on the expected outcome.  You will be required to complete a health questionnaire which will be reviewed during your consultation. It is very important to understand all aspects of your laser eye surgery procedure, so be sure to ask questions. It is natural to feel some anxiety and preoperative stress and our team will make every effort to put your mind at ease. 

Step 2 – Hospital admission & Surgery prep  

On the morning of your surgery, you will be admitted to the hospital and our surgeons will go over your health questionnaire, take your vital signs and do a full blood panel and comprehensive eye examination, to ensure you have no conditions barring you from surgery. The surgeon will also take your eye measurements and perform computer imaging required for your surgery. 

Step 3 – Anesthesia 

Once you have been cleared for surgery, medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The only anesthetic used in laser eye surgery are eye drops that numb and stabilize the surface of the eye and preventing movement during surgery. The procedure is done when you are awake, but you will be given medicine to help you relax. Laser eye surgery may be performed on one or both eyes during the same session. 

Step 4 – The incision 

Our surgeon will make an incision to create a partial flap around the corneal tissue using a laser knife (femtosecond). This flap is then carefully peeled back so that the laser can reshape the underlying corneal tissue. Flap size is determined by the type of laser procedure chosen and will determine overall healing time. 

Step 5 – Closing the incision 

Our surgeon replaces the corneal flap and secures it in place. Stitches are not generally required. Typically, most laser eye surgery procedures will take a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes for each eye and are performed on an outpatient basis. 

Step 6 – Post Surgery 

Immediately following your laser surgery procedure, our surgeons may fit you with “bandage” contact lenses to protect your eyes and improve healing.  You will be asked to sit upright and after 20 minutes you will be released and accompanied back to your hotel. 

Step 7 – You will see our surgeon the following day and up to three follow up visits post-surgery.   

Improved vision will be noticeable immediately after your laser eye surgery procedure, however, irritation and discomfort will subside within 7 to 10 days following surgery.  

*All of our Laser eye surgery procedures are performed in an accredited, licensed ambulatory, surgical EYE hospital facility. 


What is hair transplant surgery?  

Hair transplantation involves removing hair-bearing follicles from a given donor area (typically the back and/or sides of the head) and relocating them to a thinning or balding area. 

If you are interested in hair transplant surgery and think it may be an option for you, you can rest assured that board-certified plastic/dermatological surgeons have been successfully doing this type of surgery for more than three decades, with major technical advances in recent years.  

The truth about hair loss  

Baldness has often been blamed on several factors such as, poor blood circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat-wearing. Although there is some merit to these theories, in most cases, they have been disproven. Additionally, claims that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who haven’t lost their hair will never lose it, have also been disproven. 

The primary causes of hair loss can be attributed to one or more of the following:  

  • genetics (family history) 
  • a change in hormones 
  • and aging 

In general, the earlier the hair loss begins will ultimately determine how severe the baldness will become. 

Hair Transplant surgery candidates 

Ideal candidates for a successful hair transplant are those who have adequate healthy hair follicles (donor grafts) at the back and sides of the head. 

Factors, such as hair color, hair texture (thick, fine, shiny or coarse) and hair type (straight, wavy or curly) may also affect the overall cosmetic result. 

Hair transplant surgery can enhance your appearance and overall self-confidence, but in some cases the results will not necessarily match your ideal. Before deciding to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with our surgeons during your initial consultation. 

Hair Transplant Procedure Steps

Before: Hair transplant candidates must have some noticeable hair loss with adequate healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Certain health conditions may disqualify patients from hair transplant surgery. It is important to be honest while completing the comprehensive health questionnaire and to provide consent for a full bloodwork panel. 

Step 1:  After your blood test results are in and you have been cleared for surgery, the surgical team will shave your head (ask our team on whether you are a suitable candidate for the No-Shave option) and a numbing cream is lathered over your entire scalp. 

Step 2: Once your scalp is sufficiently numb, the surgical team will inject a local anesthetic at multiple sites on your scalp, typically, this is the most painful part of the entire surgery, but only lasts a few minutes. 

Step 3: A punch-like instrument is then used to harvest hair grafts from your donor area(s) and washed and sorted for transplantation.  

Step 4: At this time, you will typically be given a half hour break for lunch (lunch provided) 

Step 5: After the lunch break, the surgical team will create channels in your bald areas where each hair graft will be transplanted. 

Step 6: The surgical team will begin transplanting each hair graft into the channels created, one by one. In general, this process will take anywhere between 4 and 7 hours. 

Step 7: After the surgery is complete, the back of your head (donor area) will be wrapped in a bandage and you will be given your medications (antibiotics and pain killers), as well as your post-surgical care instructions. 

Step 8: You will be escorted back to your hotel and settled in to your room. At this point, patients typically order room service and shortly after, go to bed. 

Step 9: Our team will pick you up from your hotel the following morning and take you to your post-surgical follow up visit with our surgical team to ensure you are healing properly. Once you have been cleared, you are free to explore Istanbul, i.e., shopping or touring, but no strenuous activities are allowed. 

Step 10: On day three, our team will pick you up and take you for your final follow up, where the bandages will be removed and you will be given instruction on how to shampoo and wash your hair.  Our team will wash your scalp and you are then able to either return home or continue your visit in Istanbul. 

Hair transplant surgery risks and safety information  

Hair transplant surgery is normally safe when performed under the supervision of a qualified board certified plastic and aesthetic surgeon/dermatological surgeon and an experienced nursing team. Still, individuals may vary greatly in their physical reactions and healing abilities, and the outcome is never completely predictable.  

As in any surgical procedure, infection, excessive bleeding and/or scarring may occur, however, these risks are almost non-existent if the post-surgical care instructions are diligently followed. 

Whats included & Cost

$2700 USD

  • 3 Nights stay in hotel (B&B)
  • Board Certified Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon
  • Airport & Inbound Transfer
  • Pre-op Online Consultation
  • Physical Consultation
  • Blood Tests
  • Local anesthesia
  • Medications
  • 1 PRP/HGH Treatment
  • Post op controls, Post op medical kit
  • Pre-op & Pre-op PCR Test
  • Customized Patient Service (English, French, Spanish, Italian)
  • 24/7 Online Assistance
  • Online Post-op follow up

Flight not included.

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